
Who is Lily the Wonder Cat?

Meet Lily.Lily is my room mate. Lily is a cat, and she’s my cat. But I’m her human, too. I’m not sure if she makes any distinctions between the two. I think she is puzzled that I use the weird porcelain litter box, but other than that, she’s certain I’m just the other member of… Read More

Waves and Particles

Change is simply a part of life. When things stay the same, there is a significant problem. We have all heard people say they are “in a rut”, or that they are just slogging through the daily grind. We have all seen stagnant relationships or marriages that disintegrate due to endless weeks, months or even… Read More

Greeting from the Litterbox!

Yo, Hoomans! It’s ME! Lily the Wonder Cat! Wazzup?!?!! My Bi-ped is gone again, and he left me alone with his notebook thingie. I was actually gonna watch some kitty porn on CatTube, but being without opposable thumbs can really limit the things you can do. So here I am with this stupid blog thing… Read More

A Friendly Sit Down

Sorry. This one is a little windy, so there may be a little chop in today’s wave.Have you ever had that person you just wanted to sit down with? You know, just to see what’s going on in their head? Maybe to offer them some sage advice? Maybe to just talk stuff over? Looking back… Read More

A Skip in the Wave

So, yeah. I’ve been a slacker. I have begun to tell you about the trek from the wiles of the Philly ‘burbs to the hills of central Washington state. There are stories to tell. It was an amazing trip but I am still overwhelmed by everything I have encountered since I arrived. I’ll get to… Read More

The Wave of Stuff

As I get ready for my road-trip, I hear George Carlin laughing in my ear … I have spent a few years accumulating stuff. I also had help accumulating stuff. I’ve also bought stuff for Lily because, she needs her stuff, too. Collecting stuff is another part of the wave of life. We collect stuff.… Read More