The Continuous Wave

We all struggle a bit as we travel this life. Some struggles are pretty small, even to the point of simply being an annoyance. Other struggles can be quite life changing.

But change comes and goes. Struggle often mingles with achievement; at other times that elevating feeling of achieving something important stands alone, and you see the potential of your own true worth.

It comes in waves, the ebb and flow of time and circumstances. Like the waves on the ocean, or the sound of the buzzing of a fat bumblebee, things in life travel in waves.

It is important when considering the perceived lows in a wave that the low points are what gives seasoning to the high points. They compliment each other. Just as the highs and lows in light waves give us every color we can see (and more that we can’t), the period of the waves we all ride gives our life its color and its temperature.

A little background : I consider myself a sailor. Several years in the Navy and a fair amount of time on the water make me aware of the waves. I am also a sonographer. I see into people’s bodies using ultrasound. I see with sound. Sound that consists of waves of a particular frequency.

So, yeah. I often think in waves. I feel from my experiences that life goes by in waves. It is simply my perspective, but it usually gets me through the day without hurting anyone else. I figure that’s a win, right?

But what does any of this mean? Maybe nothing. Maybe the best thing, ever. Who knows?

I’m going to test out my theories, though. Nothing like walkin’ the talk, right?

I’m beginning a journey. I know my life is about to change. I’m ending an important chapter in my life. I lost my wife, friend, and general partner in crime last year. I knew I loved her, but never realizes just how much she had ingrained herself into the fibers of my life. Our waves coexisted together, creating an harmonic that carried a wave of its very own.

As her wave disappeared, so did the harmonic we had created. The unique hum and color that our life together had taken on over the years no longer yielded its special color and hum. And it was hard to understand why or how everything could change like this in an instant. Keep in mind that I stick my toe in the tub or pool before jumping in. It’s nice having a clue knowing what you are about to experience. Some things you just don’t want to jump into. But sometimes you just get pushed in. Other times, you just gotta jump.

I’m about to jump.

I’m fleeing. I’m getting away from this place. It all looks the same, but I no longer vibrate at the same frequency. It just feels wrong. I’ve put in my notice at work. I’m going to pack all of my most prized possessions and necessities into my car, along with my cat, and I’m going to drive west. I’m going to see where my wave carries me. I have no job at this point in time. I am not sure where I’ll end up, although I do have a plan.

It’ll be fun. Follow along as I make this shit up as I go along. Enjoy the New Adventures of Jeff & Lily the Wonder Cat as we make ready to get underway to what awaits us as we ride this wave. Road-trip is coming. Stand by for the play-by-play.

19 thoughts on “The Continuous Wave

  1. Best wishes on your journey Jeff and Lily! I can’t wait to hear all about them!

    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Mark Twain

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looking forward to seeing your new path unfold❣️ Love the phrase ‘I no longer vibrate at the same frequency’. 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You make such a perfect analogy with your harmonic frequency reference. When a constant complimentary frequency is no longer there, the savor of everything changes. There is a void that we realize is just as hard as the initial loss itself. But, life keeps tugging us forward, it makes us ride it out. You are amazing and you are loved! I look forward to hearing more of your adventure! Safe travels!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know, April, we are fortunate to be a part of a really great group that gets the actual physics of this.
      It’s a real thing!
      I only wish it hadn’t taken so long for me to become attuned to it.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I generally don’t know you to be a (my) person of so few words.
      I never thought I could be so excited to be five hours away from someone I want to be standing next to.
      I love you, and I’ll do better next time. You are my Star which I steer by. 🌟
      A Sailor With Degraded Navigational Skills.

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