A Skip in the Wave

So, yeah. I’ve been a slacker.

I have begun to tell you about the trek from the wiles of the Philly ‘burbs to the hills of central Washington state. There are stories to tell. It was an amazing trip but I am still overwhelmed by everything I have encountered since I arrived. I’ll get to it, I promise.

So, you don’t want to hear my excuses. You just think I’ve been slacking. Well, maybe you are right to an extent, but there are new distractions around every corner. I mean, it is 93 degrees here, and I can walk outside and see snow on a mountain top.

Lily, we ain’t in Philly anymore.

Never saw this on the Northeast Extension.

So I have worked two days. (One and a half, if you discount the half day of orientation.) The past two days I have been off. Tomorrow, I get thrown to the wolves at 6AM. I hope I haven’t forgotten how to take care of patients.

Lily the Wonder Cat has been freaking stellar. OK, she woke me up barfing Monday morning, but she’s a cat. They do that stuff.

Lily got her new litter box today, so she has to figure out yet another place to go poop. She had to figure it out for five consecutive nights; every night having to find a new and approved tootsie-roll depository. She was a champ, though. She didn’t even barf in the car.

Not that I would let her out, but there seems to be a coyote populations out here, so she pretty much get to experience all of this (between naps) from the variety of window sills she has made claim on. Better safe on this side of the glass, right?

A month ago, I was sitting in my condo. So much has changed since then. This is an oscillation of the wave, for sure.

We had a love/hate relationship, that condo & I.

It was what we could afford to get out of the ghetto-ass apartment we had been living in.

I worked during the day, taught classes after that, then went to work on the condo to make it livable. Somewhat out of character of me, because I’m actually a pretty lazy bastard.

But I had watched a couple of shows on HGTV, and figured I could pull it off. And I did. And nothing broke or burst into flames during that time, although I had some leaks I had to tend to. It was sufficient for ten years. And I enjoyed my life there. At least until I didn’t anymore.

I named that place, “Tranquility Base”. It was a refuge. It was where plans were made. It was where young girls grew into strong young women. It was where meals were made and enjoyed. Christmases, Birthdays, and Anniversaries were celebrated. It was my one, truly happy place. Until it wasn’t.

I felt bad when I realized how much I disliked staying there. It was a place where memories had been made, but now it just reminded me of how stationary my life had become. I knew I had to commit to a change. I had a star to steer by, and the means to go where I would.

The wave had swung from high to low, and it was time to get off.

My “Star to Steer By” is a person, not an actual star. Kathy has been an unbelievable friend. Friends make you do stuff. The stuff you may not be able to do on your own.

She inspired me. She is so much more than a friend. She continues to inspire me. I have a sneaking suspicion that we are much more than friends. Actually, the truth is she owns my heart. She is my Muse.

Arriving here at “The Canyon”, I suddenly had a clean slate. There were no memories. Nothing but a new chapter to begin writing. Hoping to find my new vibe, my new wave to ride. I find it interesting how comfortable I feel here. It feels like home, as much as it can be allowed to for 13 weeks.

The Canyon

I have the highest hopes. I won’t be a vagabond forever. I’m hoping my next stop get me to where I really need to be. I’m liking how it is shaping up, this new wave I’m riding.

Sorry for the rambling. But there is really so much to say.

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